We believe that a follower of Jesus Christ is someone who makes intentional time to meet with God daily. When we do this, we grow into greater maturity and experience greater fruitfulness for the Lord. He is the vine, we are the branches, apart from Him we can do nothing.

We believe that a follower of Jesus is someone who is committed to the weekly gathering of believers. The Sunday service is an essential aspect of the Christian life. We gather to worship through song, hear the word preached, and enjoy the blessing of being with our church family.

We believe that the follower of Jesus was intended to live life in community with others. We need friends and family to encourage us, mourn with us, and celebrate with us as we walk through life together. We need others to intentionally help us in our pursuit of Christ.

We believe that a follower of Jesus is someone who uses all that they have been given for God. Christ followers use their talent, time, and treasure to see the kingdom of God advance. The follower of Jesus gives of themself with a heart of joy because the Lord loves a cheerful giver.
5. Go time

We believe that the follower of Jesus is someone who is actively living out the Great Commission. They are spending their time and energy to take the gospel to the nations to see the lost come to find saving faith in Jesus Christ.